María Antonia Blasco Marhuenda

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In 1993, Maria A. Blasco obtained her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid after her work at Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa” (CSIC-UAM, Madrid) under the supervision of Dr. Margarita Salas. That same year, Blasco joined the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (USA) as Postdoctoral Fellow under the leadership of Carol W. Greider. As a Postdoctoral Fellow, Maria A. Blasco cloned one of the mammalian telomerase genes and generated the first telomerase knockout mouse. It was during this time that she was also appointed as Fellow of the Leukaemia Society of America. In 1997, Maria returned to Madrid as an Independent Investigator at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC), where she continued her work on the development of mouse models for the study of telomerase in cancer and ageing. Together with her research group she moved to the CNIO in 2003 as Director of the Molecular Oncology Programme and Leader of the Telomeres and Telomerase Group.

Since her return to Spain, Blasco has been the recipient of several honours, such as the Swiss Bridge Award for Research in Cancer, the Josef Steiner Cancer Research Award, and the EMBO Gold Medal. More recently, she received the “Carmen and Severo Ochoa” Award for Research on Molecular Biology and the “Rey Jaime I” Basic Research Award. She also serves on the Editorial Board of several scientific Journals. She has been an elected EMBO Member since 2000, a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum since 2006, and a Member the Academia Europaea since 2006. Maria A. Blasco is also a member of Faculty 1000 (“stem cells and regeneration”). Maria A. Blasco, with more than 100 original papers, has made major contributions to the field of telomeres and telomerases and the role they play in ageing and cancer.

Experiencia Profesional

2005 Vice-Directora de Investigacion Basica del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas (CNIO)
2003 Directora del Programa de Oncologia Molecular del CNIO
1997 Jefa del Grupo de Telomeros y Telomerasa

Méritos y Premios

2008 Miembro del Consejo de EMBO
2007 Premio Rey Jaime I a la Investigación Básica
2006 Miembro de Facultad 100 (seccion "Celulas Madre y Regeneracion")
2006 Miembro del Foro Global Young Leaders del FMI
2004 Medalla de Oro de EMBO
2003 Premio Josef Steiner de Investigación en Cáncer.
2002 Premio-Conferencia "EMBO Lecture" en el meeting ELSO 2002, Niza, Francia.
2002 Premio "Young Cancer Researcher Award" de la European Association Cancer Research (EACR).
2001 Premio SEBBM Beckman/Coulter.
2001 Premio a la excelencia investigadora en Biomedicina de la Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud.
2000 Miembro electo de EMBO.
2000 Premio "Swiss Bridge Award 2000" de Investigación en Cancer.
2000 Premio FEBS.
2000 Editora de "European Life Scientist´s Organization Gazette" (ELSO Gazette)
1999 II Premio de Investigación en Oncologís de la Fundación Echevarne.
1999 Editor asociado del "Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology".


1989-1993 Beca pre-doctoral del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.
1993-1995 Beca Postdoctoral del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.
1996-1997 "Special Fellow" de la "Leukemia Society of America".

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